Terms and Conditions

- The SEGi K-Pop Soundwave is exclusively open to registered e-ticket holders aged 17 to 19 and SEGi students who have registered for an e-ticket. Unregistered individuals will not be permitted entry.
- Tickets for the concert are given on a complimentary basis to eligible persons who successfully register and are given an e-ticket. Tickets for the concert are not for sale or reselling purposes.
- To be qualified for the complimentary tickets, non-SEGi affiliated attendees must be aged 17 to 19 and register by providing true and accurate information on the ticketing registration form to secure admission for one (1) person only to the SEGi K-Pop Soundwave. One (1) ID registration admits one (1) person only. Registration can be done at concert.segi.edu.my.
- To be qualified for the complimentary tickets, SEGi students must register by providing true and accurate information on the ticketing registration form to secure admission for one (1) person only to the SEGi K-Pop Soundwave. One student (1) ID registration admits one (1) person only. Registration can be done at concert.segi.edu.my
- Tickets available for the concert are limited, given on a first-come, first-served basis and subject to the absolute discretion of SEGi and its appointed event manager (“Organiser”). The Organiser reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, not to issue or give any e-ticket to any registrants without assigning any reasons, and the Organiser shall not be held liable in any way for the said refusal or failure.
- All SEGi K-Pop Soundwave attendees must present their Identification Card (IC)/Passport/Student ID card for verification purposes during the event day to enter the concert venue. Please note that entry may be denied if the IC/Passport/Student ID does not match the details provided.
- Non-SEGi registered attendees will receive an e-ticket after registration. A valid e-ticket must be presented at the entrance of the event to receive a wristband.
- Registered SEGi students will receive an e-ticket closer to the event date. A valid e-ticket must be presented at the entrance of the event to receive a wristband.
- The Organiser may refuse entry to the holders of e-tickets that are not genuine or deemed ineligible.
- In the event of duplicate access/registration on the event day, you are required to show proof of registration. Failing to provide the required evidence will result in being denied entry.
- Wristbands must be worn at all times during the event and those found without wristbands will be asked to exit the grounds.
- No re-entry is permitted once the attendee has exited the event grounds.
- No outside food and drinks will be allowed. These will be discarded upon checks.
- All attendees are responsible for their own belongings, possessions, or property and to guard the same from theft, damage, or loss. The Organiser is not responsible for any form of damage or loss to the attendees’ belongings, possessions, or property.
- Attendees are to arrange for their own transport to the concert venue. No vehicles will be allowed entry into the event space.
- Attendees at the event are advised to dress modestly and not provocatively, including attire that is not overly revealing or displays obscene, religious, or political symbols or statements. Attendees may be refused entry or may be required to leave the event grounds should the Organiser deem that an attendee is dressed improperly.
- You will be held responsible if you have caused harm, injury, death, damage, or loss to persons or property at the event venue.
- Arrangements for seating (if applicable) or placement of attendees at the event venue shall be on a first-come, first-served basis and at the absolute discretion of the Organiser. Attendees shall follow the instructions of the Organiser as to their seating (if applicable) or place arrangements when attending the concert.
- Ownership or possession of the e-ticket does not confer any rights (by implication or otherwise) on the holder to use, alter, copy, and/or otherwise deal with any of the symbols, trademarks, logos, and/or intellectual property appearing on the ticket.
- Information is collected from those registering with Ticket2u/Organiser for the purpose of facilitating ticketing or other services available in relation to the event and will also be processed according to our Privacy Notice and Privacy Policy available at https://www.segi.edu.my/privacy-notice/ and https://www.segi.edu.my/privacy-policy/. By registering, the Registrant provides his/her consent to Ticket2u/Organiser in processing their information and permits sponsors, partners, and/or authorised parties to contact the Registrant to receive marketing materials and communications for future events, promotions, and any other marketing and promotional activities of SEGi Group.
- Unauthorised Sources / Refusal of Admission
- Registration of e-tickets shall only be made on our designated website at concert.segi.edu.my and https://www.ticket2u.com.my/ (“Website”). Any e-Ticket registrations from any other source may be unauthorised copies, and the e-ticket holder(s) may be refused admittance to the Event.
- In the event that the Registrant provides false or incorrect data when registering, they may be barred from attending the Event.
- Ticket2u/Organiser reserves the right to refuse admission to and/or remove any person whose behaviour does not comply with the rules and regulations set forth by us and/or the venue.
- Weather Condition
- This is an outdoor event, and the show may continue even if it is raining unless advised otherwise by the relevant authorities or deemed by the Organiser as dangerous to continue. Depending on weather conditions, the Organiser has the sole discretion to decide whether to close or shorten fully or partly any part of the concert, supplementary events, agenda, or venue.
- Delay and Postponement
- Exchange or cancellation of e-tickets is not allowed under any circumstances, and registration for admission is not transferable.
- In the event of postponement, the e-ticket for the original event date may be applicable and valid for the new event date unless otherwise notified.
- The Organiser reserves the right to postpone, cancel, interrupt, or stop the event due to adverse weather, dangerous situations, or any other causes beyond its reasonable control.
- Cancellation
- The Organiser reserves the right to postpone, cancel, interrupt, or stop the event due to adverse weather, dangerous situations, or any other causes beyond its reasonable control.
- Ticket2u/Organiser reserves the right to change or amend any terms and conditions at any time at its sole and absolute discretion without prior notice.
- Consent
- During the Event (including entry into the Event), the registered e-ticket holder agrees to submit to any search for any prohibited items, including but not limited to weapons, controlled, dangerous, and illegal substances, alcohol, cigarettes/e-cigarettes/vape, and recording devices.
- Assumption of Risk
- The registered e-ticket holder voluntarily assumes all risk and danger incidental to the Event whether occurring prior to, during, or subsequent to the actual Event, including but not limited to any death, personal injury, loss, damage, or liability to person or property.
- Changes to the Event
- Organiser reserves the right to withdraw, replace, add, or substitute any artists/performers’ and/or vary advertised programmes, event times, seating arrangements, and audience capacity without prior notice.
- Organiser reserves the right to postpone, cancel, interrupt, or stop the event due to adverse weather, dangerous situations, or any other causes beyond its reasonable control.
- Recording/ Audiotaping
- Strictly NO professional photography, video and/or audio recording of any kind is allowed during the Event.
- Amendments
- Ticket2u/Organiser reserves the right to supplement, add, change, or amend any of these terms and conditions at any time and at its sole and absolute discretion without prior notice.
- SEGi K-Pop Soundwave has a strict zero-tolerance policy on drugs, alcohol, and smoking or vaping. If anyone is suspected of consuming or having any illegal substances, prohibited items, alcohol, cigarettes/e-cigarettes/vape the Organiser reserves the right to search and/or remove the person from the event grounds.
- The Organiser reserves the right to refuse entry and/or expel from the premises any person with unruly, disorderly, rowdy conduct, or conduct deemed by the Organiser at their absolute discretion to be disruptive, offensive, abusive, harmful, or dangerous to others (whether physically or verbally) or damaging to venue property, and/or in breach of these terms and conditions.
- The attendee grants the Organiser (and its assignees) the right to include their image, likeness, actions, and statements in any live or recorded audio, video, film, webcast, stream, or other transmission, exhibition, simulcast, or reproduction made of, or at, the event in any medium or context for any purpose, including commercial or promotional purposes, without further authorisation or otherwise.
- Attendees consent to have medical treatment that may be deemed advisable in the event of an injury, accident, or illness during the event and affirmatively releases the Organiser and all persons participating in such medical treatment from all responsibility for any such actions.
- The Organiser retains all webcast/internet rights to the event. Any live streams or broadcasts, whether for Internet or otherwise, from the event must be specifically agreed to in advance with the Organiser. No one may transmit, broadcast, or communicate any live audio or audiovisual images from the event site without the Organiser’s prior written permission. The broadcasting, displaying, or communicating any live audio or audiovisual images (whether for personal, commercial, or other use) is expressly prohibited, without the prior written permission of the Organiser.
- No sponsorship, on site marketing, sampling, vending, coupon/product distribution, or other promotional/advertising activity may be conducted at the event (inclusive of parking lots), without the Organiser’s prior written approval in each instance.
- Attendees are subject to other terms and conditions upheld by but not limited to the Organiser, venue, ticketing platforms, and other parties involved.
- Upon registration, you agree that you have given consent and agreed to the SEGi K-Pop Soundwave terms and conditions stated above. You agree to abide by the terms and conditions stated above and agree that the Organiser shall be entitled to take any action in accordance with the same.
You’re a bit early!
Ticket registration opens on 30th July 2024, 12 pm.